Rashid Darden [uses] his natural gifts to take on…the responsibility to understand and to work actively against society’s biases against him (and others like him) who society does not value; and prevail, for everyone’s sake, through educating and transforming the communities where he worships, works, and resides. He communicates clearly, both through his verbal skills and the work he has always been doing, on behalf of equity, diversity, and inclusion and, then…to friendship, love, and wholeness. He is a blessing.
Thank you for your wisdom, honesty and humor with this difficult topic. I learned several things and am glad that I attended the call.
Thank you, Rashid, for the opening and guidance in supporting our Meeting in moving toward being an anti-racist faith community.
We all learned, stretched, and came away with deeper understanding and insight.
All entities requesting speaking services may use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
You are:
- A faith community.
- A school.
- A nonprofit organization.
- A corporation.
- A fraternity or sorority
You are looking for:
- A keynote address.
- A speaker for Black History Month, LGBT History Month, or Pride Month.
- A poet or a novelist to read from their original, Black LGBT themed work.
- A contemporary Black Quaker.
With the objective of:
- Developing an organizational culture rooted in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
- Energizing a community already united in progress.
- Giving voice to the LGBTQ+ community.
Rashid has previously spoken at:
- Axios, Friends General Conference, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Pendle Hill
- American University, Bucknell University, California State University, Los Angeles, Duke University, Georgetown University, Howard University, Ohio University, Ramapo College
- Alpha Phi Omega National Convention and Section Conferences, Gamma Xi Phi National Convention, Lambda Psi Delta Sorority National Conference, National Multicultural Greek Council Namaste Fall Conference
- Atlanta Black Pride, DC Black Pride, OutWrite at the DC Center
- Metropolitan DC Chapter of the Links, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Sigma Zeta Omega Chapter (Newark, DE), Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Pearls by the Bay Interest Group (Baltimore County, MD), Chi Phi Fraternity, Phi Theta Lambda Chapter (Lewisburg, PA), Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Federal City Alumnae Chapter (Washington, DC), Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Alpha Theta Chapter (Mahwah, NJ)
- Calvin Coolidge Senior High School (DC), Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy (Atlanta, GA), Duke Ellington School of the Arts (DC)
Helpful things to know when making an inquiry or an offer:
- Rashid is happy to work with your budget if the offer is fair and the need is profound.
- All in-person offers must include the honorarium/speaker’s fee, transportation (from door to door), and lodging.
- Rashid travels by rail when possible.